Motorola Wave PoC licencie

Licencia Motorola Wave pre PoC vysielačky Motorola TLK100 Poc alebo Motorola TLK150 na 3 mesiace. Vysielačky Motorola Wave PoC budú fungovať iba pri zakúpení tejto licencie. Licencia zaisťuje bezproblémové pripojenie k centrálnemu serveru prevádzkovanému spoločnosťou Motorola cez internetovú sieť.

Push-To-Talk (PTT) is no longer only for two-way radios. Group communication can now include those who rely on smartphones and broadband devices as well as two-way radios. WAVE is a carrier-indpendent multimedia communication subscription service that instantly connects your team at the push of a button. With Motorola Wave application license you can turn your smaertphone into a PTT device and let everybody be part of the conversation (price is for 1 year). Get the speed and simplicity of PTT with the ability to share multimedia information at the touch of a button. Get all your group communication needs in one easy to use app for Android and iOS phones and tablets.

Licencia Motorola Wave pre transceiver Motorola TLK110 Poc na 1 rok. Vysielače a prijímače Motorola Wave TLK100 PoC budú fungovať iba pri zakúpení tejto licencie. Licencia zaisťuje bezproblémové pripojenie k centrálnemu serveru prevádzkovanému spoločnosťou Motorola cez internetovú sieť.