SDRPlay RSPdx-R2 14-bit SDR prijímač 1kHz-2GHz

259,18 € 215,98 € bez DPH
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SDRplay RSPdx-R2 je jednotunerový širokopásmový plne vybavený 14-bitový SDR, ktorý pokrýva celé RF spektrum od 1 kHz do 2 GHz a poskytuje viditeľnosť spektra v šírke až 10 MHz.

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Certifikovaný predajca
Motorola, Caltta, eChat, SDRplay, Expert Electronics
Doručenie do 2 dní
Doručenie do 2 dní
v rámci Slovenskej republiky
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Osobný odber v Košiciach
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Poštovné zdarma pri objednávke
do SR nad 300 €
do ČR nad 400 €

Podrobný popis

The SDRplay RSPdx-R2 is a single-tuner wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving up to 10MHz of spectrum visibility.

It contains three antenna ports, two of which use SMA connectors and operate across the full 1 kHz to 2 GHz range and the third uses a BNC connector which operates up to 200MHz.

The SDRplay RSPdx-R2 is an enhanced version of the RSPdx with further design improvements for use at frequencies below 2MHz. Housed in a strong steel case, in addition to the functionality of the RSP1B, the SDRplay RSPdx-R2 provides three software selectable antenna inputs and an external clock input. It offers excellent performance through HF and VHF frequencies all the way up to 2GHz. The SDRplay RSPdx-R2 also supports an “HDR mode” optimised for the demanding radio reception conditions below 2MHz.

The SDRplay RSPdx-R2, when used in conjunction with SDRplay’s own software, introduces a special HDR (High Dynamic Range) mode for reception within selected bands below 2MHz. HDR mode delivers improved intermodulation performance and fewer spurious responses for those challenging bands.

To check compatibility with your choice of computer hardware, operating system and SDR application software, go to

SDRplay RSPdx-R2 main advantages and features:

  • Covers all frequencies from 1kHz through VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L-band to 2GHz, with no gaps
  • Receive, monitor and record up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time
  • Significantly improved noise performance below 1MHz (i.e. for some MF, LF and below)
  • Improved dynamic range below 2MHz both in tuner mode and HDR mode
  • HDR mode below 2MHz giving overall dynamic range and selectivity advantages
  • Software selectable choice of 3 antenna ports
  • External clock input for synchronisation purposes, or connection to GPS reference clock for extra frequency accuracy
  • Excellent dynamic range for challenging reception conditions
  • Free use of Windows-based SDRuno software (check website for versions supported)
  • Free use of SDRconnect SDR and server software for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Check website for versions supported)
  • Multiplatform driver and API support including Windows, Linux, Mac and Raspberry Pi 4/5
  • Strong and growing software support network
  • Calibrated S meter/ RF power and SNR measurement with SDRuno (including datalogging to .CSV file capability)
  • Documented API provided to allow demodulator or application development on multiple platforms

SDRplay RSPdx-R2 application areas:

  • Amateur Shortwave radio listening
  • Broadcast DXing (AM/FM/TV)
  • Panadaptor
  • Aircraft (ADS-B and ATC)
  • Slow Scan TV
  • Multi-amateur band monitoring
  • WSPR & digital modes
  • Weather fax (HF and satellite)
  • Satellite monitoring
  • Geostationary environmental satellites
  • Trunked radio
  • Utility and emergency service monitoring
  • Fast and effective antenna comparison
  • Industrial Spectrum Analyser
  • Surveillance
  • Wireless microphone monitoring
  • RF surveying
  • IoT receiver chain
  • Signal logging
  • RFI/EMC detection
  • Broadcast integrity monitoring
  • Spectrum monitoring
  • Power measurement
  • Educational/Scientific
  • Teaching
  • Receiver design
  • Radio astronomy
  • Passive radar
  •  Ionosonde
  • Spectrum analyser
  • Receiver for IoT sensor projects
  • Antenna research

Please note: This product launched in May 2024 and initially only SDRplay software and APIs were released by SDRplay. Other 3rd Party software may not yet be compatible with the RSPdx-R2. Please check specific 3rd Party application for compatibility via

NEW SDRconnectTM SDR software for Windows, MacOS and Linux/Raspberry Pi:

  • All new intuitive graphical interface launched in 2023
  • Highly integrated native support for the SDRplay family on  Windows,  MacOS, and Linux/Rasberry Pi 4/5
  • Multiple ‘virtual receivers’ for simultaneous reception and  demodulation of different types of signals within the same receiver bandwidth
  • Multiple notch filters with BW adjustable to 1Hz
  • Synchronous AM mode with selectable/adjustable sidebands
  • Calibrated RF Power Meter with > 100dB of usable range
  • Calibrated S-Meter supporting IARU S-Meter Standard
  • Integrated server allows remote cross-platform access via high speed LAN and regular internet WAN connectivity
  • “Audio” (Compact) mode allows limited bandwidth WAN connections with spectrum visibility up to 10MHz plus multimode audio access (AM/Wideband FM/SSB/CW etc)
  • Rolling release model allows for future feature enhancements
  • Modular approach for future 3rd party development

SDRunoTM for Windows features:

  • Highly integrated native Windows support for the SDRplay family
  • Up to 16 ‘virtual receivers’ for simultaneous reception and demodulation of different types of signals within the same receiver bandwidth
  • An integrated frequency scanner (for frequency ranges and stored memory panel lists)
  • A selectivity filter with an ultimate rejection greater than 140dB.
  • A unique distortion-free double stage AGC with fully adjustable parameters
  • AFC for FM signals
  • Multiple notch filters with BW adjustable to 1Hz + Notch Lock feature
  • A unique synchronous AM mode with selectable/adjustable   sidebands, dedicated PLL input filter, & selectable PLL time constants
  • SNR (stereo noise reduction), featuring a proprietary noise   reduction algorithm for stereo broadcast
  • Powerful wideband noise filter for addressing common sources of RFI (e.g. power supplies, internet over DSL etc.)
  • Calibration for receiver frequency errors
  • RDS support optimised for low signal environment
  • Active Noise cancelling
  • CAT and Omnirig control
  • Calibrated RF Power Meter with > 100dB of usable range
  • Calibrated S-Meter supporting IARU S-Meter Standard
  • The ability to save power (dBm) and SNR (dB) measurements over time, to a CSV file for future analysis
  • IQ output accessible for 3rd party applications

You can find more information on the following sites:

SDR radios have no control panel, therefore manufacturers do not supply a user manual. Our company only sells SDR hardware; operation of these devices requires various software that you can download from the internet.  Most of these software products are only available for download in the English language from the websites of manufacturers and third-party developers (many of them radio amateurs) either for free or for a fee. Installation, setup and usage of the software require an intermediate level of proficiency in computing and the English language. We do not advise buying this equipment unless you have these required skills, and we recommend seeking assistance and prior information from other radio hams on internet-based forums and user groups.

For SDRplay products, we recommend you to purchase the USB printer cable that we sell. Other USB cables may generate a lot of electromagnetic noise which may interfere with reception.


Weight 315g
Size 113mm x 94mm x 35mm
Low current consumption 190mA @ >60MHz (excl Bias T), 120mA @ <60MHz (excl Bias T)
Connectivity USB 2.0 (high speed) type B socket, frequency Range, Continuous coverage 1kHz – 2GHz
Antenna A Port Characteristics 1kHz – 2GHz operation, 50Ω input impedance, SMA female connector
Antenna B Port Characteristics 1kHz – 2GHz operation, 50Ω input impedance, SMA female connector, Selectable 4.7V DC out (see Bias T)
Antenna C Port Characteristics 1kHz – 200MHz operation, 50Ω input impedance, BNC female connector
Antenna port isolation Unselected port isolation 40dB min
Reference Clock Input MCX female connector
Bias T (Antenna B Port only) Software selectable 4.7V @ 100mA
IF Modes Zero IF, All IF bandwidths, Low IF, IF bandwidths ≤ 1.536MHz
IF Bandwidths (3dB) 200kHz, 300kHz, 600kHz, 1.536MHz, 5.0MHz, 6.0MHz, 7.0MHz, 8.0MHz
ADC Characteristics Sample frequency 2 – 10.66MSPS, 14-bit native ADC (2 – 6.048MSPS), 12-bit (6.048- 8.064 MSPS), 10-bit (8.064- 9.216MSPS), 8-bit (> 9.216 MSPS )
Maximum recommended input power 0dBm continuous, 10dBm for short periods
Reference High temp stability 0.5PPM TCXO, In-field trimmable to 0.01ppm.
External Reference Clock Plug in the external clock before power-up. Auto-detect will switch to the external reference., Frequency 24MHz sine/square wave, 1V Pk-Pk Min, 3.3V Pk-Pk Max
Typical Noise Figures 19dB @ 300kHz, 18dB @ 2MHz, 17dB @ 12MHz, 15dB @ 25MHz, 15dB @ 40MHz, 2.6dB @ 100MHz, 2.1dB @ 200MHz, 6.0dB @ 340MHz, 3.1dB @ 660MHz, 4.4dB @ 1500MHz, 5.0dB @ 1800MHz
Notch Filters
FM Notch Filter >30dB 77 – 115MHz, >50dB 85 – 107MHz, >4dB 144 – 148MHz, MW
Notch Filter >15dB 400 – 1650kHz, >30dB 500 – 1530kHz, >40dB 540 – 1490kHz
DAB Notch Filter >20dB 155 – 235MHz, >30dB 160 – 230MHz
Front End Filtering
Low Pass 500kHz, 2MHz
Band Pass 2-12MHz, 12-30MHz, 30-60MHz, 60-120MHz, 120-250MHz, 250-300MHz, 300-380MHz, 380-420MHz, 420-1000MHz,
High Pass 1000MHz
Note The notch filters above are software selectable and remove specific broadcast bands.

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JL Avatar autora 11.10.2024 23:05
Za tu cenu je to najlepsi prijimac na trhu so sirokym rozsahom az 2 GHz. Pricom je tu k sispozicii kvalitny softver SDRuno ako aj RSP connect pre vsetky pouzivane platformy Windows, Apple, Linux a dokonca asi aj raspbery. RSP1A, RSPDX a RSPDX-R2 v programe SDRuno dokaze dekodovat digit. roshlasove vysielanie DAB+ ako aj DRM okrem dalsich protokolov FT8 a dalsie. Na webe je kopec video navodov na prijem satelitov, poloh lietadiel atd. Okrem toho je k dispozicii bezplatny vynikajuci softwer RSP-SAS Spectrum Analyser ( ktory z prijimaca dokaze urobit spektralny analyzator so plnym sirokym rozsahom. Uvedene prijimace bezproblemovo pracuju aj so SW SDR console. Odporucam zaujemcom si ho kupit. Nic lepsie na trhu za uvedenu cenu nie je !!!